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I hate what kids now a days have become. They are lazy and rude to adults. Whatever happend to a slap on the face when they talk back to an adult/parent.

I hate what kids now a days have become. They are lazy and rude to adults. Whatever happend to a slap on the face when they talk back to an adult/parent.

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Category: Secrets

Don't blame the kids, they are just what they were taught to be. Ps. they are not all this way, just the overwhelming majority. lol
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^So we should just let them run around and disrespect all adults. I've seen little kids get up on strangers faces just because they don't get their way. Thats why American is the way it is. Because they is no firm hand. Child abuse would be punching them knocking out their teeth.
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Don't spank your kid; they may sue you for emotional distress.
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Not letting them go outside to play doesn't work anymore...
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this is what happens when you guys have unprotected sex leading to unwanted pregnancies.... the child has to play weekend daddy and so forth... and doesn't get proper parenting.... weekend daddy may raise the kid different from the mom. confusing the child, or the child may say "daddy let's me do it!" it's either this or parents who don't spend NO TIME WITH THE KID WHAT SO EVER. (I.e. rich parents who spoil their kids) why listen to a woman who's more like a stranger {or roommate/nanny}..............than a actual mom..... some females r also still in that party mode (drinking
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Whats funny is people see children as a negative instead of a positive they see children as a nuisance and problem to be dealt with. Do you think the child doesn't know thats how you feel about them which in return makes them react the way they do. I am not talking only to parent I am talking to all people. You don't have to raise my kids if you and I are in public but you don't have to act idsgusted when the come to ask you a question(bother you basically) . Whenever I let my kids play outside everyone tells them to go home!!! Go home and sit on the couch and watch tv? So then you can tell me what a horrible parent I am? This is how it is, this is how people treat my kids who are well behaved. BAsically people need to mjind there own business. If my kids is outside playing and not destroying something leave him alone just cuz you don't like the noise to bad I guess. If I want to spank my kids don't worry about it because he is acting spoiled and gets plenty and one or two swats on the ass and a stern talking to may be what he needs, don't worry about...KNOW IT ALLS!
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The slap in the face is usually accompanied by the rude behavior of the kids, and the kids are the ones slapping their pussy parents.
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Whatever happened to the inch thick paddles the principals had (and used on our asses) when I was in elementary school? Do they use them for cricket now?
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I think people are scared to say anything to other kids for fear of a mother bear. I for one encourage it. If my kids is "bothering" you or is doing soething bad let em know and send em on their way. I won't be mad and nor do you need to be when I do the same to your kids. Quit taking everything so personal.
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2^ Why not watch your kid and when it is bothering someone else, be a parent and make them stop. Its not that they are scared of mother bear, its just not their place.
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If a child knows they will get an ass beating for doing what they know they shouldn't , they are more likely not to do it. There for and because of, if you beat them they will be good and you won't have to slap them or beat them
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Because these days parents go to jail and loose custody for such actions!!! Thats why!!!
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It's all I can do not to kick the shit out of, or trip, wetback kids who run all over the place, and into me, in stores. If you can't control your 5 kids in public, leave them at home with one of the other 20 illegals living in the trailer. Same goes for kids wearing Heelys.
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^^2up. is the reason kids are bad. parents that are afraid to do what's right
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When did everything go to hell? When liberal asswipes got corporal punishment banned in schools. Check out the map on Wikipedia. All Yankee states have outlawed it in schools. No wonder their kids are such a** ****s when they grow up.
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^^5up...what this poster said.
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Who do you blame when your kid is a brat? Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat! Blaming the kids is a lion of shame!You know exactly who's to blame!THE MOTHER AND THE FATHER!We never hit our kids and they rarely talked back to us. They are grown adults that are loving, happy and kind to everyone! Slapping and hitting your children is not the answer. Take some parenting classes and learn how to deal with children in a healthy manner. Even our grandchildren are sweet loving kids so get a grip and educate yourself on child care. Hitting a child is a lazy way of parenting.
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Have you noticed that those 'nanny' shows on TV where the parents cant control the kids and some british nanny comes and makes everyone happy....ALWAYS have parents who dont believe in spanking their kids. The kids who DO get spanked dont need to be on the show! I spank my daughter and people tell me that she is very well behaved, but I dont spank her in public...I wouldn't want to go to jail for raising my OWN child!
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too many bleeding hearts. thats whats wrong with america's child. kids dont get their butts whooped enough!
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I agree 100%. I am only 25 but I see a huge difference in kids now then what they were when I was growing up. They are all just whores and a** ****s. I used to want children but I'm afraid that they will turn out like the kids that are out there now or worse. We really only have ourselves to blame though.
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It all went to Hell when MTV went from playing (C)rap music at 2am for 30 minutes to playing it 23.5 hours a day.
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my child can be a royal pain in my ass sometimes and thats when she gets a good ol fashioned ass whoopin. and i guarantee you it works. but i have NEVER abused my child and have NEVER left a mark on her. My child is sweet and loving and respectful of adults.
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AND to bad even if u raisr ur voice its abuse.We have to do something and change the laws where the parents/gaurdian can disipline a child and not be afraid of going to jail or losing the kids.we have to feed them,clothes them ect... but we can not disipline them.hmmmmmmmm i know what i am going to do the next time my kids act up.TAKE THEM TO THE JAIL AND LET THE COPS ENJOY THERE COMAPNY,
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Or take them to a judge,child welfare ect.....And if they spank or slap them the we can charge them with abuse
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Slapping children would be child abuse and fear is never a good motivator to get people (including kids) to do what you think they should. The problem with our society's kids is that they are not taught how to respect others and take responsibility for their actions. It's very sad.
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You are right but how do kids get to be rude and spoiled and lazy? They learn it from the adults in their lives!
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