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I used to cut myself because it was the only pain I could control,I quit after rehab but now I get tattoos.Is that any different?Once a cutter, always a cutter.

I used to cut myself because it was the only pain I could control,I quit after rehab but now I get tattoos.Is that any different?Once a cutter, always a cutter.

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Category: secrets

Makes sense to me. I have a friend who loves the pain of piercing.
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I used to cut and sometimes I still want to, not for attention, but its like a release of stress its hard to explain, but I do miss it sometimes.
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^^^^^^^ I do agree with that. Sometimes I go as far as picking up a knife or some sort of blade, but thats as far as it goes. It took forever to stop cutting and I think about it all the time now, but I just havent done it.....
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^1 UP. Glad you are perfect and never had to experience the mental anguish that causes the need to feel physical pain. I did it so I could feel what others feel, pain that doesn't hurt so bad. The mental pain seems further away when you do cut, but it is still superior.
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^1 UP. Do you want to rumble? Cause I know you. That's right sucker!
Remove this stupid comment are the plagiaristic poster of a secret from a week or so ago about cucumbers ( ) that wasn't nearly as humorous nor as witty as the original genius posters secret. ( ) its easy to see.
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^1 sorry no I'm not. Can you bring anything intelligent to the conversation or do you need to go back to the kids table?
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