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I love to manipulate narcissistic people. You just give them their drug: Adoration. You can make them do just about anything.

I love to manipulate narcissistic people. You just give them their drug: Adoration. You can make them do just about anything.

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Category: Secrets

I believe that you are just jealous of good looking people.
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That's not narcissism; that is low self-esteem. Why don't you use your talents for positive things. You are obviously damaged yourself and boost your own starving ego. NEWSFLASH my friend, you're in a viscious cycle.
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If you can really manipulate narcicists then I think you should offer a free seminar. I know a few I would love to give their own medicine as narcicists are master manipulators and deserve exactly what they dish out.
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thanks, oh well, whatever
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That doesn't just work with narcissists, OP.
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thanks g, i knew it couldn't be real, good job though it felt it. it felt real for a few
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I can manipulate the narcissistic. :)
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I don't think this post is for me. Does that mean I'm not a narcissist? The OP, however, thinks he/she can manipulate anybody it wants. This is, ironically, a narcissistic trait. You are manipulating nobody. You are not in control. You think that you are because you are a narcissist. End of discussion. I'm always right! You second class, wannabe narcassist.
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^ Who wants to be a narcissist? I really do believe that a lot of the people that post on this site are mentally ill. Honestly, this post makes no sense and it sounds delusional. Have any of you shit-for-brains ever known someone with NPD and seen them in action? They are not smart nor are they good manipulators. A person with NPD cannot hide their self-absorbed ways, therefore making themselves COMPLETELY OBVIOUS at all times. They are extremely easy to manipulate, but why the hell would somebody want to waste their time? I think you are a huge liar. I don't understand how somebody could tolerate being around a TRUE narcissist longer than 10 minutes. Blow it out of your ass, take a psychology class.
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^ So what you're saying is it is easy to manipulate a narcissist person? I thought I may be narcissistic but I'm very hard to move and manipulate. Its like I set the rules and games.
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I like to manipulate manipulators. Usually not much of a challenge.
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yay manipulate yay
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hate much?
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^2 manipulate this...ass head
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The more intelligent a person is, the more they manipulate those around them. Not necessarily a bad thing.
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You've got to hide your love away
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You're so sexy, darling. No! You are the sexy one, pet. Yes, that's what I said! Wait, why am I agreeing with me? Cause you know we're so damn intelligent, we're always right. We understand each other so well. I love me.
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OP Here: I was raised by a Narcissist. Was in a 7 year relationship with one. Took me years to figure out what my draw was to them. By reading a lot I learned what these people are about. They are shells. They do not connect to their emotions like other people do. If you don't believe it read this book written by a narcissist: "Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited" It will open your eyes to how many people are mentally ill with this condition. And yes it really is easy to manipulate them. (And it isn?t evil to do so. They will happily drain you dry to get their drug: Ego boosting at any cost.) You have to manipulate them if you want to survive being around them regularly. They literally only see people in two ways. Either you are adoring them or you are not. That is it. There is no gray. If you feel sorry for them or think it is mean then you need to wake up and realize you are feeling sorry for a creature who does NOT experience emotions or love or empathy in any way.
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(OP here continued) The key symptom of a narcissist is they do not have empathy for others and have no idea how their actions affect others. You also need to find out why you are drawn to them. Narcissists love to feed off other narcissists. Ego?s need bigger ego?s to survive. Yes I manipulate them because it is the only way to stay sane being around them. If this makes you mad it is probably because what I am writing is hitting the truth button in you. You are probably narcissistic. Narcissists always freak out when you call them on who they are. They see themselves as perfect in every way. To point out any flaw brings out irrational anger.
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^ They don't always freak out. Some could give a shit, because self-love is love perfected. You're just a loser.
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Yea, your just a loser!
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Yea, loser!
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To the OP... your writing speaks more about your deep seeded hate for how you were raised. Find a way to release that shit and accept it.
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^ Why? OP could hang on to it and accept it. Or maybe the OP has been programmed to hang on to it with no way out? you show a profound ignorance of the human condition, Mr. Bootstraps.
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^Up 5: A Narcissist Response. See? The reality of WHO they are makes these people NUTS because a narcissist CAN?T HANDLE THE REALITY THAT THEY ARE NOT PERFECT! So they get ANGRY when you spell it out. You narcissist people are so transparent. Sad part is they will alienate EVERYONE from their lives until they are alone. (I am the OP here) And 2^ Naw...I don?t have any deep seated hatred from my childhood. It just took me a long time to figure out WHAT I was raised by and HOW to deal with it. I learned TOTAL acceptance for these people who have this mental condition. You CAN?T change them! BUT...there ARE tools you can use to stay sane around them! The best is: Adoration. Because it is their drug. Period.
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